Award winning author Crystal Marcos has been a storyteller her entire life. Being the oldest of five children she had a lot of entertaining to do. She is a member of SCBWI. Crystal lives on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State with her husband and their daughter Kaylee. Crystal is the author of BELLYACHE: A Delicious Tale and HEADACHE: The Hair-Raising Sequel to BELLYACHE.
- My favorite color to wear is red.
- I have a preschooler named Kaylee. I read to her every day.
- I love to read children’s books. My favorite children’s book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
- I use names of people I know and love in my books.
- I like to cook and bake.
- I think turtles are really great. I had a turtle named Myrtle.
- I sing and dance when no one is around and sometimes when people are.
- I love hanging out with my family and playing board games.
- I love to plan family parties.
- I smile often.
- I have lived in many places, including Hawaii and Scotland.
- My dad was in the military.
- I appreciate you wanting to learn more about me.
I wanted to give Special Thanks to Jim Whiting for the keen eyes of editing, Marie Marcos for her tasty artwork, and my husband for his technical charms.